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Royal Roads University SA 2020.10.1900 (build 10193)
Ready Education
The RRUSA app brings awesome campus services to your fingertips.This app provides tools to keep you safe on campus, enables you toconnect with your classmates and friends, and gives you access toevents, calendars, contacts, maps, and more! Stay organized withthe timetable function, where you can save events, classes andassignments. Join your campus community on the RRUSA app now.Features to help you with your student life + Classes - Manage yourclasses, create to-dos & reminders, and stay on top ofassignments. + Events - Find what events are happening on campus. +Tour - Explore and get to know your campus + Deals - Accessexclusive discounts + Campus Services - Learn about what servicesare offered + Groups & Clubs - Find out about clubs on campusand how to get involved + Campus Feed - Join the campus discussion.+ Campus Map - Get directions to classes, events and departments +Students List - Communicate with fellow students
OCAD U Life 5.49.0_7514
Ready Education
The OCAD U Life app is the official student life app for currentand potential OCAD University students! Access news, events,calendars, student groups, campus services, social media, maps,virtual tours, and more. Stay organized with your classes andassignments through the timetable. Connect with the campuscommunity through the campus feed. Features to help you with yourstudent life + Classes - Manage your classes, create to-dos &reminders, and stay on top of assignments. + Events - Find whatevents are happening on campus. + Tour - Explore and get to knowyour campus + Deals - Access exclusive discounts + Campus Services- Learn about what services are offered + Groups & Clubs - Findout about clubs on campus and how to get involved + Campus Feed -Join the campus discussion. + Campus Map - Get directions toclasses, events and departments + Students List - Communicate withfellow students
GMU Student Involvement 2020.10.0510 (build 10157)
Ready Education
OSI is the official campus app for current George Mason UniversityStudent Involvement students. Access your George Mason UniversityStudent Involvement news, events, calendars, clubs, social media,maps and more. Stay organized with your classes and assignmentsthrough the timetable. Connect with the campus community throughthe campus feed. Features to help you with your student life +Classes - Manage your classes, create to-dos & reminders, andstay on top of assignments. + Events - Find what events arehappening on campus. + Tour - Explore and get to know your campus +Deals - Access exclusive discounts + Campus Services - Learn aboutwhat services George Mason University Student Involvement has tooffer + Groups & Clubs - Find out about clubs on campus and howto get involved + Campus Feed - Join the campus discussion. +Campus Map - Get directions to classes, events and departments +Students List - Communicate with fellow students
Algoma U Students' Union 2020.10.0510 (build 10157)
Ready Education
Algoma University Students' Union is the official campus app forcurrent Algoma University students. Access your Algoma Universitynews, events, calendars, clubs, social media, maps and more. Stayorganized with your classes and assignments through the timetable.Connect with the campus community through the campus feed. Featuresto help you with your student life + Classes - Manage your classes,create to-dos & reminders, and stay on top of assignments. +Events - Find what events are happening on campus. + Tour - Exploreand get to know your campus + Deals - Access exclusive discounts +Campus Services - Learn about what services Algoma University hasto offer + Groups & Clubs - Find out about clubs on campus andhow to get involved + Campus Feed - Join the campus discussion. +Campus Map - Get directions to classes, events and departments +Students List - Communicate with fellow students
University of Toronto SU 2020.09.0700 (build 10149)
Ready Education
The UTSU app brings services to your fingertips and enables you toconnect with your classmates and friends. You can access events,calendars, contacts, maps, and more! Stay organized with thetimetable function, where you can save events, classes, andassignments. Join your campus community on the UTSU app now!Features to help you with your student life + Classes - Manage yourclasses, create to-dos & reminders, and stay on top ofassignments. + Events - Find what events are happening on campus. +Tour - Explore and get to know your campus + Deals - Accessexclusive discounts + Campus Services - Learn about what servicesare offered + Groups & Clubs - Find out about clubs on campusand how to get involved + Campus Feed - Join the campus discussion.+ Campus Map - Get directions to classes, events and departments +Students List - Communicate with fellow students
Canadian Mennonite University 2020.10.0510 (build 10157)
Ready Education
Canadian Mennonite University is the official campus app forcurrent CMU students. Access news, events, calendars, clubs, socialmedia, maps and more. Stay organized with your classes andassignments through the timetable. Connect with the campuscommunity through the campus feed. Features to help you with yourstudent life + Classes - Manage your classes, create to-dos &reminders, and stay on top of assignments. + Events - Find whatevents are happening on campus. + Tour - Explore and get to knowyour campus + Deals - Access exclusive discounts + Campus Services- Learn about what services are offered + Groups & Clubs - Findout about clubs on campus and how to get involved + Campus Feed -Join the campus discussion. + Campus Map - Get directions toclasses, events and departments + Students List - Communicate withfellow students
GCSA (Owen Sound) 2020.10.0510 (build 10157)
Ready Education
Georgian College SA is the official campus app for current GeorgianCollege students. Access news, events, calendars, clubs, socialmedia, maps and more. Stay organized with your classes andassignments through the timetable. Connect with the campuscommunity through the campus feed. Features to help you with yourstudent life + Classes - Manage your classes, create to-dos &reminders, and stay on top of assignments. + Events - Find whatevents are happening on campus. + Tour - Explore and get to knowyour campus + Deals - Access exclusive discounts + Campus Services- Learn about what services are offered + Groups & Clubs - Findout about clubs on campus and how to get involved + Campus Feed -Join the campus discussion. + Campus Map - Get directions toclasses, events and departments + Students List - Communicate withfellow students
Columbia College Chicago 2020.10.0510 (build 10157)
Ready Education
The CCC app brings services to your fingertips and enables you toconnect with your classmates and friends. You can access events,calendars, contacts, maps, and more! Stay organized with thetimetable function, where you can save events, classes, andassignments. Join your campus community on the CCC app now!Features to help you with your student life + Classes - Manage yourclasses, create to-dos & reminders, and stay on top ofassignments. + Events - Find what events are happening on campus. +Tour - Explore and get to know your campus + Deals - Accessexclusive discounts + Campus Services - Learn about what servicesare offered + Groups & Clubs - Find out about clubs on campusand how to get involved + Campus Feed - Join the campus discussion.+ Campus Map - Get directions to classes, events and departments +Students List - Communicate with fellow students
Providence Christian College 2020.10.0510 (build 10157)
Ready Education
"The Providence Christian College app brings services to yourfingertips and enables you to connect with classmates and friends.Access events, calendars, contacts, maps and more! Stay organizedwith the timetable function, where you can save events, classes andassignments. Features that help with student life: + Classes:Manage classes, create to-dos & reminders, and stay on top ofassignments. + Events: Find what events are happening on campus. +Tour: Explore the campus. + Deals: Access exclusive discounts. +Campus Services: Learn about services offered. + Groups &Clubs: How to get involved with campus clubs. + Campus Feed: Jointhe campus discussion. + Campus Map: Directions to classes, eventsand offices. + Students List: Communicate with fellow students."
Université de Saint-Boniface 2020.08.3101 (build 10140)
Ready Education
L'application AEUSB vous permet de vous connecter avec voscamarades de classe et amis. Vous pouvez accéder aux événements ataux cours. Rejoignez votre communauté étudiante sur l'appli AEUSB!Fonctionnalités pour vous aider dans votre vie étudiante + Cours -Gérez vos cours, créez des listes de tâches, des rappels, et restezà jour dans vos travaux + Événements- Trouvez quand les événementsse déroulent sur votre campus + Tour - Explorez et découvrez votrecampus + Rabais - Accédez à des remises exclusives + Services ducampus - Renseignez-vous sur les services offerts + Associations etComités - Renseignez-vous sur les activités offertes et comment yparticiper + Mur du Campus - Participez à la discussion sur lecampus + Plan du Campus - Trouvez vos salles de cours + Liste desétudiants - Communiquez avec les autres étudiants
Lipscomb University 2020.10.1900 (build 10193)
Ready Education
The Lipscomb University App brings campus information to yourfingertips and enables you to connect with the Lipscomb community:Stay on top of your events, classes, and assignments with the builtin calendar function, and get notified of important dates,deadlines & security announcements. Make friends, askquestions, and access campus resources at any time! Some otherexciting features include: + CLASSES: Manage classes, create to-dos& reminders, and stay on top of assignments. + EVENTS: Discovercampus events, set reminders, and track your attendance + FEATUREDACTIVITIES: Orientation, Homecoming, etc. + CAMPUS COMMUNITY: Meetfriends, ask questions, and keep up with what's happening on thecampus wall. + GROUPS & CLUBS: Get involved with campusorganizations and meet people with similar interests + CAMPUSSERVICES: Learn about services offered, such as Academic Advising,Financial Aid & Counselling. + PUSH NOTIFICATIONS: Receiveimportant campus notifications and emergency alerts. + CAMPUS MAP:Find the quickest route to classes, events, and offices. + CAMPUSEXPERIENCE: Keep track of your co-curricular participation andprovide feedback in real-time
RIT Kosovo 2020.10.0530 (build 10171)
Ready Education
The RIT Kosovo app brings services to your fingertips and enablesyou to connect with classmates and friends. Access events,calendars, contacts, maps and more! Stay organized with thetimetable function, where you can save events, classes andassignments. Features that help with student life: + Classes:Manage classes, create to-dos & reminders, and stay on top ofassignments. + Events: Find what events are happening on campus. +Tour: Explore the campus. + Deals: Access exclusive discounts. +Campus Services: Learn about services offered. + Groups &Clubs: How to get involved with campus clubs. + Campus Feed: Jointhe campus discussion. + Campus Map: Directions to classes, eventsand offices. + Students List: Communicate with fellow students.
ACPHS 2020.10.0510 (build 10157)
Ready Education
The Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences app brings thecampus to your fingertips and enables you to connect with yourclassmates, friends, and campus community as a whole. You canaccess events, services, calendars, contacts, maps, and so muchmore! Join your campus community on the ACPHS app now!
Jeux du Commerce 2020.10.0510 (build 10157)
Ready Education
En 2020, les Jeux du Commerce, la plus grande compétition de l’Estdu Canada, auront lieu là où tout a commencé lors de la premièreédition en 1989, à HEC Montréal. Pour la 32e édition, participants,partenaires, bénévoles et Comité Organisateur travailleront tousdans le même but : donner le pouvoir aux participants de vivre uneexpérience incroyable dont ils se souviendront toujours. Dans cetteapp, vous retrouverez: - Rechargement de votre bracelet RFID -Horaire général de la fin de semaine - Horaires des présentationsacadémiques - Horaires des sports - Horaires des navettes - Plans -Contacts - Vos Comités Compétitions - Et plus encore!
CMU College 2020.10.0510 (build 10157)
Ready Education
The CMU College App is a resource for Students & Alumni toaccess information about job postings, events, student services,CMU policies, new student orientation information, and much more! +Receive push notifications when new opportunities become availableon the job board + Events: Find out about Master Classes andIndustry Expert Chats + Classes: Manage classes, create to-dos& reminders, and stay on top of assignments. + CampusServices:Learn about services offered. + Campus Feed: Post photosof your work for fellow students and instructors to see. + StudentsList: Communicate with fellow students to catch up on class work.
LUMS 2020.10.0510 (build 10157)
Ready Education
The official LUMS University app brings services to yourfingertips. Connect with fellow Luminites. Learn about the campus.Access events, calendars, contacts, maps and more! Stay organizedwith the timetable function. Stay connected via the studentdirectory. Stay informed about what is happening on campus.Features: + Classes: Manage classes, create to-dos & reminders,and stay on top of assignments. + Students List: Communicate withfellow students. + Campus Services: Learn about services offered. +Events: Find what events are happening on campus. + Campus Tour:Explore the campus buildings and grounds. + Deals: Access exclusivediscounts for LUMS community. + Student Clubs & Societies: Howto get involved with campus clubs and societies. + Campus Feed:Join the campus discussion. + Campus Map: Directions to classes,events and offices.
York Federation of Students 2020.10.0510 (build 10157)
Ready Education
The YFS app brings services to your fingertips and enables you toconnect with your classmates and friends. You can access events,calendars, contacts, maps, and more! Stay organized with thetimetable function, where you can save events, classes, andassignments. Join your campus community on the YFS app now!Features to help you with your student life + Classes - Manage yourclasses, create to-dos & reminders, and stay on top ofassignments. + Events - Find what events are happening on campus. +Tour - Explore and get to know your campus + Deals - Accessexclusive discounts + Campus Services - Learn about what servicesare offered + Groups & Clubs - Find out about clubs on campusand how to get involved + Campus Feed - Join the campus discussion.+ Campus Map - Get directions to classes, events and departments +Students List - Communicate with fellow students
Neumann Knight Life 2020.10.0530 (build 10171)
Ready Education
The Neumann University Knight Life app brings services toyourfingertips and enables you to connect with classmates andfriends.Access events, calendars, contacts, maps and more! Stayorganizedwith the timetable function, where you can save events,classes andassignments. Features that help with student life: +Classes:Manage classes, create to-dos & reminders, and stay ontop ofassignments. + Events: Find what events are happening oncampus. +Tour: Explore the campus. + Deals: Access exclusivediscounts. +Campus Services: Learn about services offered. + Groups&Clubs: How to get involved with campus clubs. + Campus Feed:Jointhe campus discussion. + Campus Map: Directions to classes,eventsand offices. + Students List: Communicate with fellowstudents.